They STILL call me Bruce!

Bruce Lee, BRUCE LEE! Say it with reverence, whether it's the man or the kick-ass game for the Commodore 64. Bruce is the bad ass that even beat Chuck Norris! The original game for the C64 had everything: action, platforming, adventure, ninja's, green sumo wrestlers, even exploding bushes. Every level was different, bizarre and above all - punishing! No continues, no idea how far the rabbit hole went down, just you, your joystick and endless hours plugging away. Don't waste time hunting it down, a pixel-by-pixel remake has already been released.

Now, after a painfully long wait, we get a sequel that is truly worthy of the original. Bruce Lee II is free and available for download in a true testament to the originals spirit and design. In other words, expect to die a lot! Featuring CPC or C64 color and sounds for your nostalgic pleasure, Bruce Lee II serves up some whoop ass with a key ingredient that was missing from the original; I'm talking about Kareem Abdul-Jabbar of course. The team behind this game understood the original very well and their attention to detail (pitch-perfect loading screen anyone?) makes it a trip worth taking.

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